CT Lic# HOI.0001211
NY Lic# 16000113239
NJ Lic# 24GI00215900
CT Lic# HOI.0001211
NY Lic# 16000113239
NJ Lic# 24GI00215900
See that big round hole in the top of the panel? That's called a "punchout" by some and a "knockout" by others. The idea is that you knock out the round piece of metal attached to the panel and then run the wires through using a plastic bushing to protect the wires from the sharp edges of the metal panel. Sometimes knock outs are opened and then the electrician changes their mind and knocks out another which better suits their needs. If this happens then they should put an appropriately sized plastic knockout plug in the hole to keep the critters out. Mice seek a warm place to spend the winter and distribution panels are warm with all that juice flowing through the wires! Not before long though, they chew wires or cross the wrong spot and ZZZZZZap! This zap can cause a short circuit in the panel which can be expensive to fix, but in extreme cases it can even burn the house down. Here at Nearwater Property Group, we look for these subtle issues like open knockouts when we inspect and call them out so your home can be as safe as it can be.
Mon - Sun 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
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License numbers:
CT License# HOI.0001211
NY License# 16000113239
NJ License# 24GI00215900
Areas We Service
Mon - Sun 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
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License numbers:
CT License# HOI.0001211
NY License# 16000113239
NJ License# 24GI00215900