CT Lic# HOI.0001211
NY Lic# 16000113239
NJ Lic# 24GI00215900
CT Lic# HOI.0001211
NY Lic# 16000113239
NJ Lic# 24GI00215900
This black, shiny, rough crust is called creosote. It is the byproduct of burning unseasoned wood or wet logs. Moisture rises with the smoke and it then sticks to the inside of the firebox and chimney and builds up over time. If creosote ignites, it will cause a chimney fire and ruin the chimney. It can be very expensive because the chimney would then need to be replaced. Avoid this by burning seasoned, dry wood. If you have a lot of wood fires, have a Chimney Sweep clean and inspect your chimney for safety every year.
Mon - Sun 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
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License numbers:
CT License# HOI.0001211
NY License# 16000113239
NJ License# 24GI00215900
Areas We Service
Mon - Sun 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
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License numbers:
CT License# HOI.0001211
NY License# 16000113239
NJ License# 24GI00215900